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General Calendar General Calendar

MatchPlay Doubles

18-05-2023 18-11-2023


June - Oct

1.  All players should enrol via The Links below ASAP.
Enter your Name and contact number and also Please state your partners name, handicap and FPG number.
2.  5€ to be paid to Pings for singles matchplay and 5€ each for pair matchplay.
3.  The draw will be done in public at the end of May.
4.  All members of Pings can enter.
5.  Must have a valid handicap.
6.  Starts 1 June - 30 Sep.
7.  Matches are to be played on the home course, Beloura unless agreed by the players
8.  Hcp 75% of the difference between players
lowest hcp plays off 0.


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